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BIO là viết tắt của từ gì? BIO là gì? BIO nghĩa là gì?

What does BIO mean?▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼
What does BIO mean?

"BIO" thì không có nghĩa cụ thể nó được hiểu là một từ "tiền tố" tức là từ đứng trước môt từ khác để bổ thêm nghĩa cho từ đó.

Lưu ý rằng từ mà "BIO" bổ nghĩa thì là là từ phải có liên quan tới sự sống (life), tiểu sử, sinh vật, nói cách khác nó là tiền tố chỉ đời sống, cơ thể sống, sinh vật sống. Bạn hãy xem các ví dụ bên dưới để hiểu rõ hơn:
  • biology: bio(=life) + logy(=science): Sinh vật học (ngành khoa học nghiên cứu về sự sống).
  • biography: bio(=life) + graph(=write): Viết về cuộc sống (tiểu sử).
  • biohazard: vũ khí sinh học
  • biodesign: thiết kế phỏng sinh học
  • biograph = biography: tiểu sử, lý lịch
  • biographer: người viết tiểu sử
  • biotechnology: công nghệ sinh học
  • bioengineering: kỹ thuật sinh học
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What is BIO? What does BIO mean?
  • A biography or short biographical profile of someone.
  • The prefix, bio-, implies of or related to life or living organisms.

Word Definition
autobiography a story about a person's life (biography) written by that person
biochemical characterized by, produced by, or involving chemical reactions in living organisms
biochemist a chemist specializing in biochemistry
biochemistry chemistry that deals with the chemical compounds and processes occurring in living things
biodegradable able to break down into very small harmless parts by the action of living things, e.g., bacteria; can be decomposed by living organisms
biodiesel a fuel that is similar to diesel fuel and is usually derived from plants, e.g., soybeans
biodiversity the existence of many different kinds of plants and animals in an environment
biographer someone who tells the account of a real person's life
biographical of or relating to an account of a real person's life
biography a story about a person's life
biohazard a biological agent or condition that is a hazard to humans or the environment
biological of or relating to biology or to life and living things
biological clock an inherent timing mechanism in living things that controls the timing of behaviors and bodily functions which occur in cycles
biological control reduction in numbers or elimination of pest organisms by interference with their ecology, e.g., introduce a parasite
biological warfare warfare involving the use of biological weapons
biological weapon a harmful biological agent, e.g., pathogenic microorganism or a neurotoxin, used as a weapon to cause death or disease usually on a large scale
biologist a person specializing in biology
biology a science that deals with living things and life processes
biome a major type of ecological community filled with distinctive plants and animals living together in a particular climate and physical environment, e.g., desert biomes
bionic having the normal biological capability to perform a physical task increased by special devices - electronic or electromechanical devices (bio + (electr)onic)
bionics a branch of science concerned with applying facts about the working of biological systems to the solution of engineering problems
biophysicist a specialist in biophysics
biophysics a branch of science concerned with the application of physical principles and methods to biological problems
biopsy the removal and examination of tissue, cells, or fluids from the living body
biosphere the part of the earth's crust, waters, and atmosphere that supports life
biosynthesis the formation of chemical compounds by a living organism
biota the animals, plants, fungi, etc., of a region or period.
biotechnology the manipulation of living things to produce useful products, e.g., crops resistant to disease, drugs
bioterrorism terrorism involving the use of biological weapons
biotic of relating to, or caused by living things
biotin a growth vitamin of the vitamin B complex found especially in yeast, liver and egg yolk.
biotite a very common black or dark-green mineral of the mica group, containing iron, magnesium, potassium and aluminum

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